Flying Star Feng Shui


There are many schools of Feng Shui. Perhaps the most powerful and sophisticated is Flying Star Feng Shui (Xuankong Feixing). These are the stars of the Big Dipper.  Each star has its own form of energy.  By utilizing the time the dwelling was built as well as where it is placed, a home can be analyzed in terms of both space and time. Some Stars are beneficial, some are not. They are said to “Fly” in relationship to the earth based on the rotation of the earth on its axis and movement around the Sun. This movement fluctuates North, South, East and West according to the time of year, month or day or hour. Every structure – house, office – church, has these energetic influences guided by when the structure was built. In addition, the structure is influenced by the energetic make-up of the current year, month and day. A Flying Star assessment will let you know where these energies are in your house and what you can do about them.

It is essential that a building respond to the landforms around it and Knowledge of Feng Shui can help determine these influences and help you prevent harmful Qi from affecting your space while encouraging positive Qi from the environment.

In the Feng Shui of a home or office, the structure is looked at much like a human being.  It has a time and place it was “born”(constructed or occupied) and this time and place influences it energetically throughout its existence. The structure is thus influenced by the energy of the year. The Chinese were Masters of observation and understood the inherent nature of landforms and their influence on a dwelling, grave, or office. Through literally thousands of years of careful observation and recording, these stars were observed to produce verifiable synchronistic probabilities. Thes probabilities are represented in the numerology associated with these stars and are constantly moving, changing and rotating in a repeated cycle of 180 years. Nothing is ever stagnant. It is ever changing, evolving and devolving.
There are 9 of these Stars and they move about on a yearly, monthly and hourly basis.
This is an actual house plan with the Stars as they fall in the house, including the yearly star.

House Diagram with Flying Stars

Here is a basic description of the nine stars:

1-White Star 

Associated with the Kan Trigram and the Water Phase

  • Positive aspects—nobility, knowledge, wisdom and innate recognition
  • Negative aspects—lack of intelligence, depression or losing possessions, a bad reputation or a tarnished image in the public view 
  • Physically—insomnia, kidney problems, food poisoning, diarrhea or blood-related problems

 2-Black Star

Associated with the Kan Trigram and the Water Phase

  • Mostly a negative Star
  • Negative Aspects—often called the “Sickness Star” 

    • (because of its association with Earth)  property-related disasters like landslides or earthquake damage, or loss of money related to real estate investments
  • Positive Aspects—(rarely seen)  good health and wealth prospects related to property
  • Physicallyhealth problems and ailments, especially the stomach and digestive system
  • It can even lead to miscarriage. 

3-Jade  “Arguments Star”

Associated with the Trigram of Zhen and the Phase of Wood

  • Negative Aspects—misunderstandings, arguments, legal problems and theft

    • can bring too much aggression or conflict, including gossip, rumor-mongering, legal entanglements and back-stabbing
  • Positive Aspects—3-Jade promotes good communications and leadership.

    • can promote courage and discipline when positive
    • is good for those who have jobs involving movement or aggression, like sports, the police or the military
    • can be beneficial for risky endeavors in business or investments
  • Physically—the health of the liver or the limbs

4-Green Star 

Associated with the Xun Trigram and the Wood Phase

  • Negative Aspectsnegative by nature, promote adultery, scandal and relationship problems
  • Positive Aspects—academic or literary success

    • good for sales, marketing or public-relations (because of its association with relationships)

5-Yellow Star  most dangerous Star 

Associated with 5-Yellow is Earth, the Center and because it is not associated with a Trigram,  it is considered somewhat unpredictable.

  • Negative Aspectsmajor health problems, serious financial issues like bankruptcy or catastrophic bad luck in general. 
  • Sectors housing the 5-Yellow Facing or Sitting Stars should be avoided

6-White Star

Associated with the Qian Trigram and the Metal Phase

  • Generally positive Star
  • Positive Aspects—promotes authority, power, nobility and respect

    • Power brought about by “climbing the ladder”  through hard work and perseverance
    • Good for career advancement
  • Negative Aspects—problems with excess ego, loneliness and relationship problems stemming from emotional coldness
    •  problems with authority
  • Physically—frequent headaches, migraines or even head injuries

7-Red Star 

Associated with the Dui Trigram and the Phase of Metal

  • Negative most of the time
  • Negative Aspects—theft, robbery, fire hazards and injury, along with backstabbing 
  • Positive Aspects—good luck with metaphysical or spiritual pursuits, communications and relationship prospects (Salespeople do well when they can tap into 7-Red’s positive nature)
  • Physically—problems with the mouth, health issues that require surgery or venereal disease

8-White Star 

Associated with the Gen Trigram and the Earth Phase

The most important Star of the current Period, because it is in its Wang (Prosperous) Qi phase.

  • Generally benevolent by nature, perhaps the most “friendly” Star 
  • Positive Aspect—associated with wealth and prosperity, especially that brought about through work and personal effort
  • Negative Aspects —Introversion
  • Physically—health problems for young children or problems with the limbs, spine or spinal cord

9-Purple Star 

Associated with Trigram Li and the Fire Phase.

  • Generally is neutral, but until 2024 is exhibits its more positive side
  • Positive Aspects— promotes beauty, elegance, joyful occasions like weddings, celebrations and promotions, along with teamwork and success
  • Negative Aspects—sadness, scandal, legal problems, fire hazards, paranoia and addictions

To attain knowledge, add things everyday.

To attain wisdom, remove things every day.

Lao Tsu, Dao de Jing




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