Pangu Shengong is a simple and powerful self-healing method that improves your health and well-being by strengthening your life force and immunity. It brings calmness, positive thinking, and happiness. It has helped hundreds of thousands of people recover from their illnesses and maintain good health.
Pangu Shengong was developed my Master Ou Wen Wei (also translated as Wenwei Ou. His last name is Ou and it is pronounced as “O”) is well known as a Qigong Grandmaster, an author, poet, musician, and calligrapher. He is the originator of Pangu Shengong and serves as the president of the Pangu Shengong International Research Institute (AKA Pangu Culture International Research Institute).
Pangu Shengong is a complete healing system. It consists of a Moving Form, a Nonmoving (meditation) Form and an Advanced-condensed Form. Pangu Shengong also provides a Healing Skills Course and a Teacher Training Program for those who want to help others with this powerful method.
Sarah teaches the Moving Form and offers Pangu Shengong Healing Treatments either in person or remotely. Click Here to contact Sarah to Learn the Moving Form or have a treatment by Sarah. Click here to go to Master Ou’s site for information on the other parts of this healing system.
According to the Pangu web site, Pangu Shengong greatly improves the symptoms and underlying conditions of many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, strokes, rheumatoid arthritis, apoplexy, lupus erythematosus, different types of cancer and many chronic illnesses such as chronic pain, sleep problems and autoimmune disorders. It is amazingly effective in reducing drug dependence, and has been used successfully to assist people in drug rehabilitation programs. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have learned and continue to practice it and attest to its increasing their vitality. Thousands of patients have completely recovered from their illnesses and regained their well-being. Ultimate success depends on the practitioner’s own efforts, of course!
The positive effects from regular practice include:
Balance, Harmony, Peace of Mind
Strengthening the Immune System
Increased Well Being, Happiness & Inexhaustible Vitality
Pangu Shengong (aka Pan Gu Mystical Qigong), developed by Master Ou Wen Wei, has its fundamental philosophy and practice rooted in kindness and benevolence. It is designed to absorb the beneficial energy of the sun and moon and the essence of the Qi of the universe. It regulates and intensifies Life Force and the immune system. Pangu Shengong is a specialized form of Qigong that is simple to learn, and its benefits to health and well-being can be experienced immediately.
According to its unique features, Master Ou also named Pangu Shengong as Heaven, Earth, Sun and Moon Qigong. It is a simple, comparatively short routine that involves the circling of the palms, the opening of the arms, and some visualizations. It has no restriction regarding time or place to practice, nor does it involve strenuous physical activity or intense concentration. Pangu Shengong is a discipline that Master Ou originated through many years of studying how the ancient Chinese people cultivated long and healthy lives. Through his own agonizing but successful self-experiments, and through learning the inspiring and enlightening story of Pangu, Pangu Shengong was created in 1990. Since then, it has been well accepted by society at large. Pangu Shengong is now being propagated widely throughout the United States, as well as in more than 30 other countries including China, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, etc. Pangu Shengong has been received and mastered by thousands of practitioners, allowing many of those suffering with illness to regain their health and march toward a new life. Click here go to the Chronicle section of Master Ou’s site to get more details.