Emotional Causes of Cancer – Negative Emotions in the Body Can Cause Cancer! (Very Interesting Article)
Author: Advanced Natural
5 stages of cancer of how tumors are formed within the body:
Phase 1 – Inescapable Shock / Emotional Trauma
This initial phase occurs approximately 2 years prior to the cancer diagnosis. This is where the individual experiences an 'inescapable shock', affecting deep sleep and the production of melatonin within the body. Melatonin is necessary for inhibiting cancer cell growth and is the primary hormone responsible for regulating the immune system. During this phase a part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain slowly breaks down, creating a dark spot on the brain (viewed by X-ray). Each part of the emotional reflex centre controls and is connected to an organ or part of the body, and when the emotion centre begins to break down, so too does the organ or body part it is connected to.
Phase 2 – Stress Suppresses The Immune System
During this second phase, the immune system is suppressed by elevated stress hormone cortisol levels. The immune system also receives subconscious messages from the affected emotion centre of the brain to slow down, and to even stop working altogether. An individual experiencing 'inescapable shock' often feels like they have died 'emotionally' on some level, and the immune system receives these messages as a subliminal signal or command to give up the fight to live also. This causes somatids to react. Somatids are tiny living organisms (necessary for life) that live in our blood. Different types of somatids are specific to and inhabit different organs of the body. In a healthy organism, where the immune system is functioning properly, these somatids are limited to 3 stages in their life cycle – somatid, spore, double spore. When the immune system is impaired or suppressed, somatids pleomorphise (or change) into a further 13 stages (16 altogether).These further 13 stages are pathogenic (harmful) to the body and include viral, bacterial, and yeast-like fungus forms.
Phase 3 – Stress Causes Cell Glucose Levels to Rise
Over time, elevated stress hormone levels cause adrenaline levels to be depleted within the body, causing glucose (sugar) levels to rise within normal cells. The main purpose of adrenaline is to remove and convert glucose from cells for energy for the body, just as it is the main purpose of insulin to transport glucose (sugar) into cells. When the adrenaline reserves are depleted, glucose (sugar) levels increase sharply within cells – leaving little room for oxygen. This is why so many cancer patients are weak and lethargic, because they have no adrenaline left (or very little) to convert the glucose in their cells into energy for the body and their cells subsequently have very little room left to accept oxygen from passing blood.
Phase 4 – Fungus Enter Cells to Feed on Glucose
During this fourth phase, pathogenic microbes (virus-bacteria-fungus) that have pleomorphised and established themselves in a weakened part of the body, enter normal cells to feed on high glucose levels. This fermentation of glucose causes 'mycotoxins' to be released (a highly acidic waste product), which 1) breaks the Krebs Cycle of the cell (a process that uses oxygen as part of cellular respiration), and 2) breaks the Electron Transport Chain of the cell, meaning the number of ATP molecules drops dramatically. (ATP molecules provide energy to the cell.) This lack of oxygen and cell energy means normal cells mutate during the dividing process – creating new rogue cancer cells. The body\'s tissue and cells become highly acidic (low pH) due to the waste by-products caused by these viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus. Over-acidification of the body also occurs due to fermentation of excess stress hormones in the body, poor diet (low pH value foods), and lack of exercise. Viruses, bacteria, yeast, mould, fungus, candida and cancer cells thrive in a low pH acidic environment.
Phase 5 – Fungus and Cancer Form Symbiotic Relationship
During this fifth phase viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus form a symbiotic relationship with newly created cancer/tumor cells. Yeast-like fungus is symbiotic in nature and feeds on the high levels of glucose to use for energy for reproduction of new somatids. The yeast-like fungus provides a natural fermentation process and ferments the glucose within the cancer/tumor cell, providing energy and a natural growth factor in return. The yeast-like fungus uses the cancer/tumor cells as a host or house for their rich reserves of glucose, and stimulates these cancer/tumor cells to propagate more houses. The result is a mass of tumor cells, or tumor sites. Yeast-like fungus prevent cancer / tumor cells reverting back into normal healthy cells (re-establishing their Krebs Cycle), as they continue to cause 'mycotoxins' to be released (a highly acidic waste product), meaning cancer / tumor cells in a sense are held hostage to the yeast-like fungus that inhabit them.
Phase 6 – Stress Stimulates Tumor Cell Growth / Metastases
During this final phase elevated stress hormone norepinephrine and epinephine levels, stimulate tumor cells to produce three (3) compounds: MMP-2 and MMP-9 (both martix metalloproteinases) and the growth compound VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor). Tumor cells make receptors for these stress hormones on their surface, to stimulate these three compounds. MMP-2 and MMP-9 breakdown the scaffolding of tumor cell walls making it easier for them to travel to other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis. VEGF causes blood vessels to grow in new tumor cells, so that they can grow and spread more rapidly. News of cancer at this stage, often becomes a further 'inescapable shock' and the cycle begins again with secondary tumor sites forming in different parts or organs of the body…
According to cancer Dr Hamer the real cause of cancer and other diseases is an unexpected traumatic shock for which we are emotionally unprepared. The following list shows some of the relationships between conflict emotions and target organs for cancer.
Adrenal Cortex: Wrong Direction. Gone Astray
Bladder: Ugly Conflict. Dirty Tricks
Bone: Lack of Self-Worth. Inferiority Feeling
Brain: Tumor Stubborness. Refusing to Change Old Patterns. Mental Frustration
Breast (Milk Gland): Involving Care or Disharmony
Breast (Milk Duct): Separation Conflict
Breast (Left): Conflict Concerning Child, Home, or Mother
Breast (Right): Conflict with Partner or Others
Bronchioles: Territorial Conflict
Cervix: Severe Frustration
Colon: Ugly Indigestible Conflict
Esophagus: Cannot Have it or Swallow it
Gall Bladder: Rivalry Conflict
Heart: Perpetual Conflict
Intestines: Indigestible Chunk of Anger
Kidneys: Not Wanting to Live. Water or Fluid Conflict
Larynx: Conflict of Fear and Fright
Liver: Fear of Starvation
Lungs: Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else
Lymph Glands: Loss of Self-Worth associated with the Location
Melanoma: Feeling Dirty, Soiled, Defiled
Middle Ear: Not being able to get some Vital Information
Mouth: Cannot Chew It or Hold It
Pancreas: Anxiety-Anger Conflict with Family Members. Inheritence
Prostate: Ugly Conflict with Sexual Connections or Connotations
Rectum: Fear of Being Useless
Skin: Loss of Integrity
Spleen: Shock of Being Physically or Emotionally Wounded
Stomach: Indigestible Anger. Swallowed Too Much
Testes and Ovaries: Loss Conflict
Thyroid: Feeling Powerless
Tumor (in location): Nursing old Hurts and Shocks. Building Remorse
Uterus: Sexual Conflict
Read more: https://advancednatural.articlesbase.com/cancer-articles/emotional-causes-of-cancer-negative-emotions-in-the-body-can-cause-cancer-very-interesting-article-906066.html#ixzz1WbqHNYCt
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